Defining Leadership Questions

Carly Fiorina: Defining Leadership

Answer the following questions in your own Word/OneNote file.

  1. Why do people fail to realize their potential? What do you relate to in Carly’s presentation regarding reasons for not reaching your potential?
  2. What are some things that crush potential? Give some observations about Safe Harbor related to some of these items that Carly mentioned.
  3. What do good leaders do to unlock the potential of others?
  4. What did Carly say that management is? Describe the difference between management and leadership.
  5. Carly mentioned MLK, Nelson Mandela and Jesus as examples of people who exhibited great leadership without having a position. Give some examples of what each did that represented effective leadership.
  6. What is the 20/20 rule? How does an effective leader engage the 60% that are impressionable skeptics?
  7. How do humility and empathy relate to effective leadership
  8. The 4 parts of effective leadership include the following: (Give 1 example of each of these categories that you have observed at Safe Harbor)

- Vision, Strategy, goals

- Operations, structure and procedures

- Metrics and results

- Positive Culture

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